Coming Soon …. Rapid Bracket Void Detector Holder by Ampac

Compatible with more ceiling types and a larger variety of detectors, the Rapid Bracket®‘s ultra-fast installation time reduces costs significantly and eliminates the need for unsightly access hatches while leaving a modern, aesthetically pleasing finish. Constructed from ultra high-heat resistant engineering polymers and ultra-lightweight anodized aluminium, the Rapid Bracket® weighs just 1.2kg in its tallest form.…

Hyfire takes wireless to the next level with Taurus

  Our wireless partner Hyfire has just announced the release of Taurus, a completely new high-performance wireless system, based on a new protocol that offers unprecedented capabilities, quality and reliability. Combining unrivalled performance with the user-friendly survey, install, commissioning and maintenance software, TauREX, Taurus brings a step-change to the wireless sector. New features and innovative…